Repeat Customers
Repeat business is great business!
Service Description
Returning customers can be the lifeblood of any hotel and generating loyal fans for your business has its rewards. This treatment focusses on your hotels perceived value to the customer and the level of service throughout the customer journey. We will look at areas that detract from the customer satisfaction, guest feedback, TripAdvisor/BDC scores and key criteria for benchmarking areas of development. Our expert will show you where to focus improvements within your service, your USPs and value proposition to secure returning guests at a reduced cost of sale. Poor customer service not only costs you money, but it can damage your brand and reputation. Whether you are already good at customer service looking to take things to the next level, or you need to tackle a particular area in your guests’ journey, this treatment will help. YOUR HCC EXPERT Mirelle Maunder-Brown has conducted 1000’s of benchmarking exercises for hotels to establish perceived value propositions and USPs of hotels and apartments throughout the UK. By following a structured guest journey and reviewing the standards and priorities, she has helped hotels to develop their retained customer growth strategies and reduce their cost of sales. Her expertise from budget hotels through to five-star establishments; country hotels, city-centre to airport locations is enviable and she continues to provide guidance and training to hotels, accommodation and event venues internationally. TREATMENT FORMAT Customer Journey Questionnaire to be completed by hotel (20 mins) Mystery call conducted prior to Expert Session 1 Hour Video Conference with HCC Expert THIS TREATMENT IS COVERED BY OUR HCC SAVINGS GUARANTEE. IN THE CASE OF REVENUE GROWTH TREATMENTS, WE WILL FIND MORE THAN 2X THE VALUE OF YOUR TREATMENT IN REVENUE OPPORTUNITY.
Contact Details
0118 4050 200