Natasha's Law Food Labelling
Natasha’s Law – are you compliant?
Service Description
Natasha’s Law came into effect on 1st October 2021. Food pre-packed on the same site that it is offered or sold is no longer be exempt from the need for a food label with a legally compliant ingredient list. This applies to hotels and restaurants. There has been a two-year lead in period to help businesses prepare for the new requirements. If PPDS (prepared for direct sale) foods on site are not labelled, Trading Standards or Environmental Health Officers may provide advice or serve an improvement notice. A more serious offence is to label foods incorrectly, especially if allergens are missing from the ingredients list and an allergic incident occurs. Enforcement officers are likely to take formal action in these cases which could result in seizure, prosecution, unlimited fines, and imprisonment. Our expert will guide you through the legislation: which of your foods it will apply to; what is required on the label; common mistakes made; best software solutions; label printers; training and due diligence checks. YOUR HCC EXPERT Melissa Thompson is a Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health. With a background in hospitality operations and local authority enforcement, Melissa provides straightforward practical advice to make a hotelier’s life easier. Her client base also includes food manufacturing and retail companies such as Costco UK, and she is adept at examining labels and spotting non-compliance and misrepresentation. Melissa provides strategic food hygiene, allergen management and health and safety advice and training to hospitality businesses, large and small. TREATMENT FORMAT Information Gathering Questionnaire to be completed by hotel (20 mins) 1 Hour Video Conference with HCC Expert AS AN ADVISORY SERVICE, THIS TREATMENT IS NOT COVERED BY OUR HCC SAVINGS GUARANTEE.
Contact Details
0118 4050 200